
Distance Learning Policy

 No. 5.15

Last Revised: 05/23/2023

DIVISION: Learning Resources

SUBJECT: Distance Learning


政策 MANAGER: Director, Learning Resources Division

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR: Vice President of Instruction and 学生服务


I. 政策 

It is the policy of Virginia Highlands Community College (VHCC) to provide distance learning options for students that offer rigorous academic content, facilitate meaningful engagement, and contain the same learning outcomes as in-person courses. 

II. 相关信息

A. VHCC provides distance learning options to fulfill its mission. 
B. VHCC shall verify the identity of a student enrolled in a distance education course through the requirement of a unique username and password. 

3. 定义 

A. Asynchronous: a course that does not require student participation with instructor on a fixed, predetermined schedule, in which the materials and course content is delivered online using a learning management system or by other electronic 交付 methods. 
B. Distance Learning: distance education is education that uses one or more types of technology to deliver instruction to students who are physically separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously. 
C. Hybrid: a course that has between 51% and 99% online 交付. 
D. Synchronous: a course that requires student participation with the instructor on a fixed, predetermined schedule throughout the term of the course. 

IV. 一般的指导方针 

A. The 在线学习 and Instructional Technology Department collaborates with 

College administration and faculty to support the development, 交付, and maintenance of distance learning courses. 
B. All VHCC distance learning courses, including synchronous and asynchronous courses, must provide the same quality of instruction and meet the same learning outcomes as the corresponding in-person course. 


A. The College President has the authority and delegates to the Director of the Learning Resources Division the responsibility to establish procedures to meet the requirements of this policy. 





A. 标准10.6, Distance and Correspondence Education 
B. SACSCOC标准14.3, Comprehensive Institutional Review 
C. SACSCOC Distance Education and Correspondence Courses Policy 


A. The 在线学习 and Instructional Technology Department works with the College administration and faculty to provide the following for distance learning: 

  1. Instructional design guidance in support of online learning and assessment activities in face-to-face, 混合动力, and fully online courses and curriculum. 
  2. Professional development training for faculty and staff that focuses on the best practices of online teaching and the use of technology to achieve successful online learning outcomes. 
  3. Administration of the VCCS learning management system, video conference system, and other technology services related to the 交付 of distance learning at VHCC. 
  4. Student support in the use of the learning management system, 测试中心, 图书馆服务, and other technology/services related to the 交付 of distance learning instruction. 
  5. Research and procurement of instructional technology. 
  6. Increased enrollment through the development of quality online courses delivered by well-trained faculty and completed by properly prepared and supported students. 
  7. Assessment of distance learning courses by coordinating with academic division deans.


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